Blogging Meetup Next Monday

The folks at Small Business Mavericks have created a Minnesota meetup group for area bloggers and those who want to know more about blogging, and have officially announced the first blast-off get-together in Plymouth on Monday, March 3.

I always enjoy these get-togethers, mainly because it gets you away from your computer where you can have fun talking to people w/ similar interests. Hopefully that huge group (ok, 3 of us) who attends “blogger hour” will be in attendance. 🙂

I might actually be in Rochester that day. If so, it looks like I’ll miss this first one but will definitely make future meetups.

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3 Responses to Blogging Meetup Next Monday

  1. Hi Paul,
    Thanks for the post and for helping to get the word out about our upcoming Bloggers Meetup – I’m looking forward to it, should be a lot of fun. Hope to see you there!


  2. Aaron Weiche says:

    Do you think a guy “between” blogs can show up? 🙂

    I’m hoping to have the new Five Technology blog up next week. Jut one item on my list of 500 currently ion progress. Hopefully I can swing seeing you guys on Monday.

  3. Paul says:

    Thanks Caroline and Aaron! I want to see that new Five Technologies blog and yeah, I bet you have 500 things going on…

    I will actually be in Rochester that day doing stuff on the Interwebz so it looks like next time for me. 🙂

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