User-Generated Local TV Commercials?

Doritos and Yahoo Video are now partnering up to offer users the chance to create a Doritos commercial, with the winner getting a TV ad spot during the Superbowl. There are some pretty funny commercials so far and it will undoubtedly turn out to be a really good campaign.

With the ease and popularity of user-generated media, thanks to outlets like Yahoo Video and a particular Google acquisition, this could create a nice opportunity for local businesses. For one, it cuts down production costs. More importantly, it could give businesses a great viral buzz from just one 30-second TV spot.

Auto dealerships could be an example. We’ve all seen the bad local commercials from them. They could be cheesy, highly discounted ads produced from a local station, or cookie-cutter national ads with a quick local blurb at the end. A user-generated contest could develop an effective commercial in return for… well, a new car.

I like new cars.

There are other new-media options out there for local TV commercials such as Spot Runner, which has mixed reviews. My opinion? I’d rather own the ad myself, but it’s better than this bad still shot:

bad still shot

Hat tip to Greg Sterling from Screenwerk and to the SEW Blog.

2 Responses to User-Generated Local TV Commercials?

  1. Joe Herbert says:

    Hi, I’m with the team that created DUCT TAPE, currently a top five finalist in the Doritos contest. I just wanted to say I’ve reading up on your blog, and I though it was cool that you had mentioned the contest. Feel free to throw some votes towards DUCT TAPE! Thanks.

  2. Paul says:

    Best of luck, Joe! A few of us up here have our fingers crossed for you and the DUCT TAPE crew!

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